W Guidelines
W for Wellbeing is not for any monetary or business purposes. No money, products or services are exchanged for content posted on the blog (or Facebook Page). The aim is to share the www warriors which inspire my journey, in the hope that they may also inspire others to look at different ways of doing positive things for wellbeing. As well as sharing the WWW Warriors, I include a variety of other related sites. I have an open mind when it comes to reading & learning about health & wellbeing. Personal experience or interest in all areas may not be the case. I am not anti-western medicine, nor am I advocating any one particular path or method. Where possible, I am trying to include worldwide information, although many times you will see Australian or U.S.A. based posts. All content & images within each of the blog posts - WWW Warrior, W-Guest & W Awareness - are as sent by the specific person/organization featured. I do not alter any content before or after uploading, unless a reason is agreed upon. Please do not take or use any content from the blog (or the Facebook Page). I encourage you to click the Share button on the blog & Facebook instead. Be respectful of all content & those who own it.
W-Guest #5 - Thandi-Claire
I AM ~ Thandi-Claire van den Heever. An optimistic woman who believes the world has the power to be at peace and harmony and that we don’t need to eat animals ever, they are part of that peace and harmony.
I LIVE ~ in Melbourne, Victoria with the trees and the birds & those funny things called people.
I AM ~ a Vegan, a spiritualist and a LOVER of all things and everybody. Vegan means not having any animal derived products in your diet and in your life. It is a journey being Vegan as so many things contain animal products and you learn everyday what to do and what not to do.
I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day. I was taught this technique when I was 14.
I have been a VEGAN since 1/11/2011 & have never felt better or more beautiful inside.
I AM ~ a remedial massage student part/time and work in administration full/time - I hope to finish my course at the end of 2013 & be a full time masseuse. I LOVE natural therapies.
I AM ~ in the process ~ slow process of developing a fashion label with a friend. The website will be:
www.veganenvogue.com (we are yet to develop the design for it with our web designer). The Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vegan-En-Vogue/122514297907943 The Twitter is: @veganenvogue1
I can be contacted at: veryhappyangel@gmail.com
W Awareness #7 - Reuben & Chloe Cunningham :: Angels Goal
Who: Angels Goal - Australian Anti-Bullying Organisation
Where: We are in Launceston, Tasmania - 330 Invermay Road, Mowbray, 7248.
Location Online: www.angelsgoal.org.au
What: Our goal is to protect children and young adults
from bullying in our communities and to eventually help to prevent
bullying, along with giving victims and bystanders the fortitude to deal
with this issue.
When: It began in February 2011 but became fully active in July, 2011.
Why Bullying is so Prevalent: It is so prevalent because statistics show that one in 5 children who are bullied has a mental health issue that costs the Australian economy around 6 billion a year, not including all other types of bullying eg workplace etc which costs up to 36 billion. The Australian Bureau of Statistics of 2009 stated that there was up to 6 children per 100,000 from ages 13-19 commit suicide. This alarming statistic means that there are more children dying from suicide than in car accidents. A Great Britain study done by Beat Bully stated that 50% of youth suicides are directly attributed to bullying, whereas in Australia, the statistics we found show between 6 and 10% through bullying.
Why we began: After having first hand experience. Chloe's speech is below.
name is Chloe Cunningham. As you may be aware I was bullied from the
age of 12 through to 17 in school and my chosen sport and this became
a daily occurrence. Please forgive me if I falter it's due to my
condition. There were many different forms of bullying I encountered
such as: social exclusion, cyber bullying, name calling and making
fun of my body image.
first encounter of bullying was grade 7 camp where all the girls from
my grade wanted to go into the boys' section. I wasn’t comfortable
with this arrangement so I stayed behind. In the meantime, all the
girls were caught. The punishment was all girls were back at school
during lunch and were made to take all chewing gum off the classroom
tables. The teacher involved said “No you don’t have to, Chloe, I
know you wouldn’t do that”.
was when my nightmare started, in the shower at camp and change
rooms during PE where the group of girls made fun of my body image as
I was a slow developer for my age. This kept going right up to grade
9. By then I had body image problems, major social exclusion, name
calling, food thrown at me. My coping strategy was to block all the
experiences out because I figured it was the only way. Halfway
through grade 9 I moved schools and found that bullying wasn’t
normal and learnt that school was meant to be fun and including.
was only one more problem I also had to face every day since I was 13. This
was bullying in swimming where I was a state competitive swimmer and
ranked highly. The bullying became more personal attack from social
exclusion, vomiting on my personal possessions and cyber bullying.
This then made me feel unworthy, ugly and not deserved of being
loved. It became so horrific that it was investigated and proven that
bullying did occur.
late 2010 my subconscious brain received bullying as a threat to my
wellbeing, then it turns all the stress and trauma into physical
symptoms. I had symptoms ranging from tremors to paralyisis. I was
sick for 10 months and wheelchair bound for 5 months. This was a very
worrying time for my family and friends as they could tell I was in
so much pain every second of every day. I remember the time when I
saw my mum crying on my shoulder and my heart was breaking; my dad
forcing to hold back tears and telling him not to go and my best
friend telling me not to give up, not to leave her. I can’t put
into words how hard it is too see the people you care about most in
pain and you can’t do anything because you’re the one they're
crying about. All my symptoms were so severe that it pointed to a
neurological disease and I am very lucky that it wasn’t.
message to all children and young adults: Anyone can be a hero, it
can even be you. Be the voice for the person who is too afraid to
speak up. Be a leader not a follower. I understand there are many
victims like me that are suffering from the effects of bullying. That
is why I have come to the conclusion the only way to help is speak up
and to let them know they are strong enough to fight and not to
give up, even in the darkest hours. We are not Victims, we are
survivors, and we will fight and we can do it together. Believe in
yourself because I believe in you. Our awareness and accountability
programs will help communities address all forms of Bullying. Angels Goal would like to thank King David school for this opportunity and
it is a credit to you all for being proactive in this cause. Thank
Angels Goal Anti Bullying National Launch
W for Wondering!?
I'd like to thank those who have taken the time to contribute to or support my blog (& associated Facebook Page), so far. I truly appreciate it.
As you can see, I haven't been blogging here long, but I am now wondering if this blog is worth continuing or not...
To be honest, I am feeling disappointed! None of the websites or people that I have wanted to feature recently have bothered to respond & even tell me they weren't interested. Just no response at all... Is it because I am not a well known blog? Is it because I am not paying them? Is my blog simply boring?
I was always taught to treat others as you want to be treated & to support those who support you. Hmmm... Maybe my values are too idealistic in 2012's online world?!
Feel free to enlighten me on your thoughts...
As you can see, I haven't been blogging here long, but I am now wondering if this blog is worth continuing or not...
To be honest, I am feeling disappointed! None of the websites or people that I have wanted to feature recently have bothered to respond & even tell me they weren't interested. Just no response at all... Is it because I am not a well known blog? Is it because I am not paying them? Is my blog simply boring?
I was always taught to treat others as you want to be treated & to support those who support you. Hmmm... Maybe my values are too idealistic in 2012's online world?!
Feel free to enlighten me on your thoughts...
Sunshine & Facebook
"Like" W for Wellbeing on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WForWellbeing :: Be sure to keep up with the Facebook Page as it has many extra posts & things that don't appear here on the blog.
WWW Warrior #7 - Jess Ainscough
Where: Offline - Coolum on the incredible Sunshine Coast :: Australia.
Online - www.TheWellnessWarrior.com.au. You can also find me on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram.
What: I’m Jess Ainscough — a writer, health coach and very proud pug owner. I’m the creator of a website called The Wellness Warrior,
where I share my cancer recovery story, and write daily articles on
courage, kindness, self-respect — and of course, nutrition &
I just launched my very first digital experience: The Wellness Warrior Lifestyle Transformation Guide. It’s a whole world of information & support for people to want to look & feel better, heal their bodies from stress & disease, and keep their own wellness promises.
When: I launched The Wellness Warrior in April 2010.
Why: My website began as a personal blog, somewhere I could share my cancer recovery journey, share everything I was learning, and keep my family and friends up to date with my progress. Over time, the site has morphed into a popular sanctuary, a source of inspiration, and a resource for all things natural health and wellness.
The other project I'm super proud of at the moment is healthtalks - a wellness web TV show I am starring in with three other amazing wellness experts. We post short segments each week, educating and inspiring our viewers to take control of their health and claim brilliant, vibrant lives.
W for Wellbeing Thoughts:
Jess's website is
very bright and informative - covering many, many topics. Her blog sparked & inspired my journey from the beginning. I look forward to Jess's daily posts as she always has something new & thought provoking to share. She has led me to a number of other wellness warriors too.
W Awareness #6 - Jay Allen :: SUNBEDBAN.COM
Who: I'm Jay Allen, a married 37 year old father of 4 children and a stage 3 melanoma survivor.
Where: I currently live in Sydney, NSW Australia.
line I am an anti solarium campaigner, who feels my solarium use
contributed to my melanoma. So want to do all I can to ban solariums
around the world.
Website - www.sunbedban.com
I began my campaign to ban solariums around the world in December 2008.
So far I have had success with NSW and South Australia announcing bans in the coming years.
I do not want anyone else to endure what I have gone through, if I can help it.
It's a very scary journey to be on.
solarium is any tanning unit that a person might use to tan their skin
using ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Other names for solariums include
sunbeds, sunlamps or tanning beds.
Solarium tans are not safe
tans. UV radiation from solariums can increase your risk of developing
skin cancer. Solariums can also cause eye damage and immediate skin
damage such as sunburn, irritation, redness and swelling. A solarium tan
won’t protect your skin from natural UV radiation when you go out in
the sun.
W Awareness #5 - Get Smart About Antibiotics Week
Who: Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work.
Where: This
program is housed within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) in Atlanta, GA, USA.
The focus of our
program is to promote appropriate antibiotic use in the community
(outpatient) setting.
Smart About Antibiotics Week has been an annual effort to coordinate
the work of CDC’s Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work
campaign, state-based appropriate antibiotic use campaigns, non-profit
partners, and for-profit partners during a one week observance of
antibiotic resistance and the importance of appropriate antibiotic use.
campaign organized its first annual Get Smart About Antibiotics Week in
2008. During November 12-18, 2012, the annual Get Smart
About Antibiotics Week will be observed. As in past years, the effort
will coordinate work of CDC’s Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work
campaign, state-based appropriate antibiotic use campaigns, non-profit
partners, and for-profit partners during a one
week observance of antibiotic resistance and the importance of
appropriate antibiotic use. As with the past observances, messages and
resources for improving antibiotic use in
healthcare settings
from CDC’s Get Smart for Healthcare campaign will be included. Get
Smart for Healthcare is a program housed in CDC’s National Center for
Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious
The 2012 observance also marks the third year of an international collaboration, which will coincide with
European Antibiotic Awareness Day,
Australia's Antibiotic Awareness Week
and Canada's Antibiotic Awareness Week.
Additional information about Get Smart Week, including Fact Sheets and graphics that can be used on the web can be found here:
W Awareness #4 - World Prematurity Day :: Australia
Who: World Prematurity
Day - November 17, 2012 :: National Premmie Foundation.
Where: Australia wide.
Website: www.prembaby.org.au
Online Shop: www.prembaby.org.au/shop
The National Premmie Foundation (NPF) is the peak body in Australia for charitable organisations that operate to provide support to families who experience premature birth or neonatal loss. With member groups across Australia, the NPF is the largest organisation in Australia representing the interests of families of preterm infants.
When: The National Premmie Foundation was formed in 2007. The first World Prematurity Day was held two years ago and is held every year on November 17th.
Why: Each year Worldwide 13 million babies are born too soon. Approximately 23,000 of these babies are born in Australia. We want everyone to honour the 15 million babies who struggled to survive this year and over 1 million babies who sadly lost their fight for life.
The rate of preterm birth is increasing and yet the general public knows little about the prevention of preterm birth and the problems and risks involved in the development of a preterm infant. Preterm or premature birth, birth before 37 weeks gestation is the second leading cause of newborn death globally. Babies who survive an early birth often face the increased risk of health challenges such as breathing problems, cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities and many other hurdles. For many families, preterm birth brings with it neonatal or infant loss. So we want you to join the campaign to raise awareness of the issues these vulnerable newborns and their families face.
To participate:
- Visit and become a fan of our Facebook page
- Change your profile picture on Facebook (images are available here)
- Purchase your very own candle for our “Light it up purple” campaign via our online store
- Visit our Facebook event page and click “Join”
- Join the official World Prematurity Day Facebook page and add your story
- Light your candle on the 17th November 2012 @ 7pm; take a photo of you and your family with the candle and post it on the NPF Facebook event page and the Official World Prematurity Facebook page.
- Make a donation online so that the National Premmie Foundation can continue its important work or simply in honour of someone whose life has been touched by a preterm birth.
WWW Warrior #6 - Kindness x 3 :: RAK Foundation, World Kindness Day/Week
Where: www.randomactsofkindness.org
Kindness: We believe kindness is a distinct action we choose to take to better ourselves and the world around us.
RAK Foundation: See mission statement above. We have focused our efforts in the field of educating children on pro-social behavior. Children have an innate tendency to be kind and we believe this tendency can be nurtured and cultivated through classroom activities and lesson plans.
World Kindness Day/Week: We hope that people practice kindness every day, but we take a few days each year to focus on being kind to ourselves and others in a worldwide celebration!
World Kindness Day - Nov. 13, 2012
World Kindness Week - Nov. 13-20, 2012
RAK: Established in 1995 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
World Kindness Day/Week: World Kindness Day has been widely recognized since 2000.
Why RAK began and has continued? The foundation started in the early 1990’s after a summer of violence in the San Francisco Bay Area of California. A reporter coined the phrase “Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty” in response to all of the negative media coverage. The foundation was born soon after. It was purchased by a private funder and brought to Colorado in 1999 and has remained in Denver ever since.
Why World Kindness Day/Week began and has continued? The roots of WKD are not totally clear, but it seems that the movement became widely recognized and celebrated over the last 12-15 years. There are kindness movements all over the world who focus on different ways to be kind. We have chosen to spend the majority of our efforts in the schools teaching kids about kindness.
W for Wellbeing Thoughts:
Sounds like a wonderful idea! Great website full of ideas for lessons/activities in a classroom.
WWW Warrior #5 - Natalie Kringoudis
Who: Natalie Kringoudis. I'm a Dr of Chinese Medicine (herbalist and acupuncturist), natural
fertility educator, writer and speaker. I've been fortunate enough to
have features in many of the major publications like Marie Claire,
Cosmo, Pregnancy magazines and Body and Soul. I've also been on the
Morning Show as their natural health expert.
Where: I established my own women's health and natural fertility clinic, The Pagoda Tree in Melbourne in 2003. www.thepagodatree.com.au
You'll find me online on my blog - www.melbournenaturalfertility. com.au.
I'm also on -
twitter: NatKringoudis - https://twitter.com/ NatKringoudis
facebook: Nat Kringoudis - http://www.facebook.com/ nataliekringoudis?fref=ts
instagram: nattykringoudis
What: My site helps people to become the most healthiest, fertile version
of themselves. It educates the ins and outs around fertility - which
isn't limited to babies but extends to women's health (PCOS/Endometrosis)
as well as men's fertility and wellness. It is about helping people be at their best. Fertility is an extension of ones overall health - for me it is about helping people understand their bodies better and connect with themselves.
When: I started my blog in Feb 2010.
Why: Felt like a fun thing to do at the time! It was just as blogs were
becoming cool. I thought, 'why not?' I never anticipated it would
become what it is today. It's almost like a
full time job in itself! And I have a full time job already! But it
gives people who would never have access to alternative health advice
the opportunity to get educated and ensure they are making the best
decisions for their health. Nobody knows how you feel but you, and so
wellness starts within. It takes commitment and support. I can offer
all of this via the blog.
I relish any opportunity to educate women on the use of alternative therapies and nutrition. This is how I arrived at my first book, Fertilise Yourself, which is available from the iBookstore and as e-book - here http:// melbournenaturalfertility.com. au/fertilise-yourself/.
Since its release, I've gone on to co-write a new book called, Eat Fat, Be Thin with Andi Lew, which is due on shelves 3 December. The e-book version and more information is available here - http://www.eatfatbethin.com. au/ and on the facebook site here http://www.facebook.com/ EatFatBeThinSugarFreeDairyFree WheatFreeRecipes?fref=ts
W for Wellbeing Thoughts:
Natalie's blog is
visually appealing & contains a plethora of ideas, recipes & facts. Each day I am inspired by her new posts. I look forward to my copy of Eat Fat, Be Thin.
WWW Warrior #4 - Karen Horneffer-Ginter
Where: I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan in the USA. You can find me online at www.fullcupthirstyspirit.com or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/karen.hornefferginter.3
What: The aim of my work is to reconnect people with the wisdom of their inner life by reclaiming what gets lost amidst the busyness of day-to-day life: qualities such as stillness, self-care, creativity, joy, humor, gratitude, and compassion. My intention is to support people in finding a sense of balance and sacredness in their lives.
When: I started my www.fullcupthirstyspirit.com website in March of 2012.
Why: I wanted to share monthly newsletters and articles, offer resources to help people slow down and recharge--like "wisdom cards" and a poster on "50 ways to take a break." I also wanted to include updates on my December 2012 book release, including videos on YouTube and articles posted on the Huffington Post, DailyGood, and Beliefnet. In upcoming months, there will also be a book giveaway through GoodReads and a book blog tour kicking off in January of 2013.
I'm so glad when my words or resources can help inspire and support others! It makes my day to hear that feedback!
W for Wellbeing Thoughts:
Karen's website has some interesting facts. Her 50 Ways to Take a Break poster is quirky & inspiring.
W Awareness #3 - World Diabetes Day
World Diabetes Day (WDD) is celebrated every year on November 14. The World Diabetes Day campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) and its member associations. The International Diabetes
Federation (IDF) is an umbrella organization of over 200 national
diabetes associations in over 160 countries. It represents the interests
of the growing number of people with diabetes and those at risk. The
Federation has been leading the global diabetes community since 1950.
IDF’s head office is based in Brussels, Belgium.
engages millions of people worldwide in diabetes advocacy and
awareness. World Diabetes Day was created in 1991 by the International
Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization in response to
growing concerns about the escalating health threat that diabetes now
poses. World Diabetes Day became an official United Nations Day in 2007
with the passage of United Nation Resolution 61/225. The campaign draws
attention to issues of paramount importance to the diabetes world and
keeps diabetes firmly in the public spotlight.
Diabetes Day is a campaign that features a new theme chosen by the
International Diabetes Federation each year to address issues facing the
global diabetes community. While the themed campaigns last the whole
year, the day itself is celebrated on November 14, to mark the birthday
of Frederick Banting who, along with Charles Best, first conceived the
idea which led to the discovery of insulin in 1922.
Diabetes Education and Prevention is the World Diabetes Day theme for the period 2009-2013.
The International Diabetes Federation website is www.idf.org, and the WDD website is http://www.idf.org/ worlddiabetesday. You can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr or you can subscribe to our YouTube channel:
W Awareness #2 - Skin Cancer Action Week :: Australia
Who: Skin Cancer Action Week, Cancer Council Australia
Where: Sydney, NSW :: Australia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ CancerCouncilOz
What: This November’s Skin Cancer Action Week (Nov 18-24 2012), Cancer
Council Australia and the Australasian College of Dermatologists will
urge all men aged 45 and over to watch their backs. Men in this age
group are almost twice as likely to develop melanoma, the most deadly
form of skin cancer, than women the same age. Although melanoma can
develop anywhere on the body, around 1 in 3 cases in men occur on the
back. John Newcombe and Tony Roche will be joining forces with Cancer
Council Australia during Skin Cancer Action Week to urge men aged 45 and
over to watch their backs in two ways; always protect yourself in the
sun and check your entire body for skin changes. Ask your partner or a
mate to check your back and anywhere else you can’t see yourself.
When: Skin Cancer Action Week is held every year in November. In 2012, it will be held on the 18-24 November.
Why: Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world
and two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the
time they are 70. Skin Cancer Action Week brings awareness to the high
incidence of skin cancer in Australia and promotes ways we can protect
our skin from the damages of the sun and reduce the incidence of skin
cancer in Australia.
To protect your skin, we recommend a combination of sun protection measures:
Slip on some sun-protective clothing – that covers as much skin as possible.
on broad spectrum, water resistant SPF30+ sunscreen. Put it on 20
minutes before you go outdoors and every two hours afterwards. Sunscreen
should never be used to extend the time you spend in the sun.
Slap on a hat – that protects your face, head, neck and ears.
Seek shade.
Slide on some sunglasses – make sure they meet Australian Standards.
W-Guest #4 - Lina
Who: Lina Cuartas. I am a Colombian Writer, Teacher, Artist and Mother who loves to share my passion for books and lifelong learning.
Where: I am based in San Antonio, Texas, but travel all over the world with my books and my camera.
My company has a website, www.lunitacompany.com, I blog at jungeleeyes-
When: My company was founded in 2007, but I have been writing, creating and teaching for over 20 years.
What & Why: I write, create and present conferences and create videos and publish books because I believe we were meant to be light for others, to share what we have learned and to strive to lead better, longer, healthier lives. I especially think that we have the very important assignment to teach what we have figured out throughout our lives to our younger generations, but we are being distracted by technology and are relying on screens to teach our children what we should be showing them through relationship. I post weekly meditations on my Facebook page and help people to publish their own books and recommend books and teaching material on Lunita's Facebook page. I look forward to being an active part of W for Wellbeing!
W Awareness #1 - World Vegan Day :: Melbourne, Australia
Who: World Vegan Day :: Melbourne, Australia
Where: Melbourne :: Australia
Website: http://www.wvd.org.au/
Listen to the below video for the rest of the details.
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