I AM ~ Thandi-Claire van den Heever. An optimistic woman who believes the world has the power to be at peace and harmony and that we don’t need to eat animals ever, they are part of that peace and harmony.
I LIVE ~ in Melbourne, Victoria with the trees and the birds & those funny things called people.
I AM ~ a Vegan, a spiritualist and a LOVER of all things and everybody. Vegan means not having any animal derived products in your diet and in your life. It is a journey being Vegan as so many things contain animal products and you learn everyday what to do and what not to do.
I practice Transcendental Meditation twice a day. I was taught this technique when I was 14.
I have been a VEGAN since 1/11/2011 & have never felt better or more beautiful inside.
I AM ~ a remedial massage student part/time and work in administration full/time - I hope to finish my course at the end of 2013 & be a full time masseuse. I LOVE natural therapies.
I AM ~ in the process ~ slow process of developing a fashion label with a friend. The website will be:
www.veganenvogue.com (we are yet to develop the design for it with our web designer). The Facebook Page is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Vegan-En-Vogue/122514297907943 The Twitter is: @veganenvogue1
I can be contacted at: veryhappyangel@gmail.com
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