WWW Warrior #4 - Karen Horneffer-Ginter

Who: My name is Karen Horneffer-Ginter and I'm a psychologist and author.

I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan in the USA. You can find me online at www.fullcupthirstyspirit.com or on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/karen.hornefferginter.3

The aim of my work is to reconnect people with the wisdom of their inner life by reclaiming what gets lost amidst the busyness of day-to-day life: qualities such as stillness, self-care, creativity, joy, humor, gratitude, and compassion. My intention is to support people in finding a sense of balance and sacredness in their lives.

I started my www.fullcupthirstyspirit.com website in March of 2012.

I wanted to share monthly newsletters and articles, offer resources to help people slow down and recharge--like "wisdom cards" and a poster on "50 ways to take a break." I also wanted to include updates on my December 2012 book release, including videos on YouTube and articles posted on the Huffington Post, DailyGood, and Beliefnet. In upcoming months, there will also be a book giveaway through GoodReads and a book blog tour kicking off in January of 2013.

I'm so glad when my words or resources can help inspire and support others!  It makes my day to hear that feedback!

W for Wellbeing Thoughts: 
Karen's website has some interesting facts. Her 50 Ways to Take a Break poster is quirky & inspiring.

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